
GUI Section

To get information about the perks section, please check out this page.

Clean Configuration Document

version: v1.0
  enablePlugin: true
  prefix: '&e&lTaxi »'
  bankingPriority: none
  showInfoAboutPlugin: true
  enableSound: true
  currentFare: 1.0
    enableCounting: true
    countingTime: 10
    - '5'
    - '4'
    - '3'
    - '2'
    - '1'
    enableCountingSound: true
    countingSoundEverySec: true
    countingSound: UI_BUTTON_CLICK
    dontMove: true
    taxiTitle: '&e&lTAXI'
    taxiSlots: 54
    taxiMaterial: head-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzYxNjlmMzMwZTRhOGZlYTViNGJkNDkxZjg3YzUyNTY2NDNjN2Q1ZTNiNWMyYzM5MmRmY2VjNGZmZGIwMWQzYyJ9fX0=
    taxiMaterialID: 0
    fillMaterialID: 0
    borderGUI: true
    innerBorderMaterial: WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
    innerBorderMaterialID: 0
    outerBorderMaterial: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
    outerBorderMaterialID: 0
    bottomMaterial: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
    bottomMaterialID: 0
    backTitle: '&c&lBack'
    backMaterial: Iron_Door
    backMaterialID: 0
    backMaterialSlot: 51
    backCommand: '[console] phone open %player% contacts'
    previousTitle: '&c&lPrevious'
    previousMaterial: Arrow
    previousMaterialID: 0
    previousMaterialSlot: 48
    currentTitle: '&7&l{points}'
    currentMaterial: Sunflower
    currentMaterialID: 0
    currentMaterialSlot: 49
    nextTitle: '&a&lNext'
    nextMaterial: Arrow
    nextMaterialID: 0
    nextMaterialSlot: 50
    fareTitle: '&eTaxi''s Fare'
    fareLore: '&f&lx{fare}'
    fareMaterial: Paper
    fareMaterialID: 0
    fareMaterialSlot: 47
  toggledMessage: '{status}'
  formatStatusOn: '&a&lENABLED'
  formatStatusOff: '&c&lDISABLED'
  priceFormat: '&fPrice: &a&l${price}'
  setFareMessage: '&a&lSUCCESS!&f You set the taxi''s fare rate to &e&l{fare}'
  resetFareMessage: '&6&lSUCCESS!&f You reset the taxi''s fare rate.'
  currentFareMessage: '&7&lCurrent taxi''s fare rate is: &e&l{fare}'
  minimumPriceMessage: '&c&lSORRY!&c The minimum price required is $0.99.'
  noPointsAvailable: '&c&lSORRY!&c No waypoints available.'
  unknownCommand: '&cUnknown command, use &7/Taxi help'
  notAvailable: '&c&lSORRY!&c This option aren''t available currently.'
  isOffline: '&c&lSORRY!&c This player isn''t online currently.'
  noPermission: '&c&lSORRY!&c You do not have permission to do that.'
  reloadMessage: '&a&lSUCCESS! &aAll data have been reloaded!'
  saveMessage: '&a&lSUCCESS! &aConfiguration files have been saved successfully!'
  openedMessage: '&6&lSUCCESS! &fYou opened taxi gui to &7&l{player}'
  pointCreatedMessage: '&a&lSUCCESS! &fYou created a new point &7&l{point} &7(&a&l${price}&7)'
  pointUpdatedMessage: '&6&lSUCCESS! &fYou updated the point &7&l{point} &f!'
  pointSetMessage: '&6&lSUCCESS! &fYou set the location of point &7&l{point}'
  pointRemoveMessage: '&c&lSUCCESS! &fYou removed the point &7&l{point}'
  pointAlreadyExists: '&c&lSORRY!&c This point already exists.'
  pointIsntExists: '&c&lSORRY!&c This point isn''t exists.'
  noMoneyMessage: '&c&lSORRY!&c You need to hold &a&l${price} &cfor taking a ride
    to &7&l{point}'
  aboutToMessage: '&f&lYOU WILL BE ARRIVING TO &7&l{point} &f&lIN &e&l{seconds}s'
  arrivedMessage: '&a&lSUCCESS! &f&lYou arrived at &7&l{point} &f&lsuccessfully! &8(&a&l-${price}&8)'
  dontMoveMessage: '&c&lSORRY!&c Your ride canceled because you moved.'
  alreadyWaitingMessage: '&c&lSORRY!&c You already waiting for other ride!'

Last updated